Tuesday, 7 May 2024
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Liberty Club Level3 Divers24

scuba equipment

Our own equipment - some tips and tricks

At last we have our first equipment. Maybe not yet fully complete, but there is already some of it and...

Making our lives easier - springs for fins

Diving market, in addition to a huge amount of different equipment, offers us a myriad of all kinds of gadgets....

What to look for when buying a Jacket (BCD)

Choosing the right jacket, also known as a BCD (Bouyancy Control Device), is no easy task. There are many models...

How do we deal with when our foam starts to stink?

There comes a moment when our beloved wetsuit starts to show the first signs of wear and tear, after all,...

What not to take underwater

Many times when you take your first steps in diving, you will be confronted with a huge amount of different...

Decompression buoy - why do you need one?

In the course of our development as a diver, sooner or later we will come across equipment such as a...

P-valve - New product in Santi offer

Every diver, as he grows, expands his equipment configuration, changes and improves it. Along with our experience, our requirements and...

Which fins are best for me?

Right at the very beginning of our diving adventure, we are put in a situation where we have to make...

Nurgres this weekend

Already this weekend, on 5 and 6 February 2011, the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw will be taken...
You haven't read
They discovered a connection between Australia's deepest caves!
Underwater Adventure diving fair - new details
Cazadero Diving Expedition 2016 - Poles go for world record
Mapping the seabed using the latest technology - video
LED Helios - the sun god new to Ammonite System


The Divers24 portal is currently the largest online medium treating diving in Poland. Since 2010 we have been providing interesting and important information from Poland and around the world on all forms of diving and related activities.

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