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Dive into Guz.tech: Technical Diving in the British Isles

Published: November 23, 2023 - 08:35
Updated: November 23, 2023 - 08:35
Dive into Guz.tech: Technical Diving in the British Isles
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Get ready for an exciting weekend ahead as the new tech conference, Guz.tech, is set to take place in the UK on the 25th of November 2023.

If you haven’t yet made plans for the upcoming weekend, this event might be just what you’re looking for.

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Guz.tech is a unique conference designed to spotlight the remarkable range of technical diving opportunities that the British Isles have to offer. The event will be hosted in Plymouth and promises to be a celebration of the year’s best expeditions, with a special emphasis on new exploration and discoveries.

In keeping with our commitment to make technical diving accessible to as many enthusiasts as possible, we’ve kept the costs low. The conference will also include a social gathering on Saturday evening for those who wish to network and share stories.

We also extend a warm invitation to teams conducting exceptional expeditionary diving around the British Isles to come forward and share their experiences at Guz.tech. This is your chance to tell the world about your underwater adventures!

You might wonder why the conference is named ‘Guz’. The term ‘Guz’ has a rich historical connection to Devonport Dockyard in Plymouth, often referred to by sailors in the olden days as simply “The Yard”. Some believe that ‘Guz’ is derived from the Hindi word for the measurement of cloth, roughly equivalent to a yard. Over time, “The Yard” was further shortened to “Guz”.

Today, Plymouth is fondly known as ‘The Ocean City’, and it plays host to a diverse community of divers ranging from recreational to technical, commercial to military, and even a few unconventional ones! With its mile-long breakwater shielding the city from harsh Atlantic storms and a deep water channel leading to Devonport Dockyard, diving in Plymouth is possible in almost any weather condition, offering depths up to 45m right from the shore.

guz.tech conference
Devonport Dockyard, Plymouth. Picture from Devon Live

After a day of exploration beneath the waves, divers often indulge in a “run ashore” to local pubs and the gin distillery. This has led to an alternative interpretation of ‘Guz’ as deriving from the term ‘Guzzle’, reflecting the sailors’ hearty indulgence in food and drink upon returning to Devonport Dockyard after months of abstinence.

With such a vibrant diving community and rich maritime history, we believe Plymouth, or “Guz”, is the perfect venue to showcase a fantastic year of technical diving. So mark your calendars and join us at Guz.tech for an unforgettable dive into the world of technical diving in the British Isles!

The Guz.Tech programe and who is speaking:

Time Event
0900 Welcome
0910 The hunt for HMS Jason
Dom Robinson
0955 Britain’s greatest wreck diver – Gifford Pound
Mike Etheredge
1040 Coffee break
1115 Confessions of an accidental U-boat nerd
Barbara Mortimer
1200 What time’s slack? Technical diving – a skipper’s perspective
Ian Taylor
1245 Lunch
1345 Evolution of underwater photography for imaging shipwrecks around the British Isles
Rick Ayrton
1430 Vickers Wellington Project
Ian France
1515 Coffee break
1545 Lost in Waters Deep Expedition 2023
Paul Downs & Will Schwarz
1630 Raffle & drinks
1900 Post conference curry @ Mombay Brasserie


Where will it take place: 

Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth Drake Circus Plymouth PL4 8AA

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About author

Marcin Pawełczyk
Marcin’s journey with diving has been an adventure. Starting as a recreational diver, he soon found himself drawn to the fascinating stories and mysteries of Baltic wrecks. After gaining experience, Marcin decided to go beyond just leisurely exploration and took his training up a notch by completing the TMX course, allowing him to explore even deeper and uncover the secrets of inaccessible places. His next challenge has been cave diving, where he is honing his skills to become a certified diver. Not content to simply take in the breathtaking beauty of underwater life, Marcin has also embraced underwater photography since 2018, capturing stunning shots that bring these worlds alive for those who are unable to experience them first-hand. Marcin’s passion for the underwater has taken him far and is sure to continue doing so as he dives into new depths and captures breathtaking images.
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