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In Tossa de Mar, Ghost Diving divers have unearthed a ghost net weighing 450 kg

Listen to this article In Tossa de Mar, Spain, Healthy Seas together with Ghost Diving Spain organised a ghost net reef clean-up. The team of volunteer divers has been active since 2014 and has recently been working with Healthy Seas. Together, the organisations have registered ten marine clean-up projects over the past few months. On
Published: October 13, 2021 - 09:00
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 23:25
In Tossa de Mar, Ghost Diving divers have unearthed a ghost net weighing 450 kg
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In Tossa de Mar, Spain, Healthy Seas together with Ghost Diving Spain organised a ghost net reef clean-up. The team of volunteer divers has been active since 2014 and has recently been working with Healthy Seas. Together, the organisations have registered ten marine clean-up projects over the past few months.

On October 1, a conference organised by the Tossa Del Mar City Council was held. This was followed by the presentation of an educational programme involving 120 pupils from a local school Escola Publica Ignasi Mele i Farrein collaboration with the local environmental association Xatrac.

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diver extracting a ghost net Children took part in beach clean-ups, interactive presentations and games to raise awareness about spectrum networks. Stripped fishing nets are responsible for the suffering and death of millions of marine animals around the world. It takes its name from the fact that underwater nets appear almost invisiblebut they still catch and kill. It is estimated that every year in the world’s oceans and seas 640 000 tonnes are lost or abandoned fishing gear.

In the following days, eight volunteer divers from Ghost Diving carried out underwater clean-ups. The divers operated at a site known as Muladera Rock, near Tossa de Mar. The team discovered and removed a fishing net that was covering the reef like a thick blanket. It was thus blocking the underwater inhabitants’ access to food and shelter among the nooks and crannies of the reef.

Divers and excavated net Scientific research indicates that the sea off the coast of Barcelona is one of the three areas in Spain most polluted by plastics from fishing activities.

For years divers have observed nets and other fishing gear polluting this popular dive site. We are delighted to be able to help clean up this area to allow its biodiversity to flourish once again and in full. – Said Raul Alvarez, coordinator of Ghost Diving Spain.

On land, it was time to clean a large fishing net that covered an area of 100m2 and weighed 450 kg! The divers retrieved thirty kilos of lead from it, which they will use as weights for the weight belts.

We are proud to have expanded our operations to Spain and to be able to support local efforts to heal and protect the coasts and seas of this beautiful country. – said Veronika Mikos, Director from Healthy Seas.


The event was also made possible by Hyundai Motor Europe, which announced its partnership with Healthy Seas in April. The company is providing funding for Healthy Seas’ clean-up and education activities. The organisation is setting an example of best practice for a circular economy, which ensures that recovered nets become a new raw material. The nylon pieces will be regenerated by Aquafil, along with other nylon waste, into ECONYL yarn, which is the basis for new sustainable products such as swimwear, sportswear, socks and carpets.

Photo: Ghost Diving

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My love for scuba diving started as a 12-year-old in the Canary Islands, at which time I took my first Open Water Diver course. This love for the blue turned into a huge passion that accompanies me to this day. Although blue is hard to come by in the Baltic, no conditions are terrible for me. In this sport, I find peace, patience, courage, focus, and balance. I have recently started to engage in underwater modeling and I am fulfilled with this.
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