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Heinrichs Wiekamp Backup torch - New!

Listen to this article A new backup torch by Heinrichs Weikamp has appeared on the market. The manufacturer famous for very good computers for technical divers, decided to surprise everyone by introducing a small-sized torch to its offer. However, do not let its size and simple, slightly angular shape deceive you, because HW Backup is
Published: August 28, 2020 - 12:35
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 20:55
Heinrichs Wiekamp Backup torch – New!
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A new backup torch by Heinrichs Weikamp has appeared on the market. The manufacturer famous for very good computers for technical divers, decided to surprise everyone by introducing a small-sized torch to its offer.

However, do not let its size and simple, slightly angular shape deceive you, because HW Backup is a very solid light, sometimes characterised by almost extreme parameters. The best evidence of the fact that the manufacturer strongly believes in its newest product is the declaration that the torch will be produced at least until 2030!

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HW Backup diving torch divers24.co.uk
HW Backup is dedicated to advanced technical divers

Such an assurance should allay all fears as to the warranty, availability of parts and possible replacement with a new one, should we by any miracle manage to destroy this extremely resistant torch. And it will be really hard, because the housing is made of AlMg-Si1 aluminium with scratch-resistant borosilicate glass.

So the HW Backup gives the impression at first glance of being extremely robust and very precisely made. It is relatively small and measures just 30mm x 130mm, with a weight of 200g. Inside it you will find a 4W LED offering 480 lumens with a light colour of 4000 K and a beam angle of 8°.

hw Backup

hw Backup – Von Grund auf neu entwickelt und neu gedacht!
Gekommen, um zu bleiben: Die hw Backup bleibt bis mindestens 2030 in Produktion und widersetzt sich damit bewusst dem Trend von extrem kurzen Produktionszeiträumen bei kleinen Tauchlampen. Damit ist der Zugang zu Ersatzteilen, Service und Zubehör für mindestens 10 Jahre garantiert. https://heinrichsweikamp.com

hw Backup – Developed from scratch and rethought!
Came to stay: The hw Backup will remain in production until at least 2030, deliberately resisting the trend of extremely short production periods for small diving lamps. This guarantees access to spare parts, service and accessories for at least 10 years. https://heinrichsweikamp.com

Posted by Heinrichs Weikamp on Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Thanks to the 18650 lithium-ion battery, the torch will shine at full power for min. 2 hours, and then for another 6 hours with a slightly weaker light.

The operating range, in terms of temperature, is specified at -10 to +40°C. However, the most impressive thing is how deep we can take the Heinrichs Weikamp backup. The manufacturer has determined the maximum depth of operation at 300m, which, in combination with the small size and weight, makes the torch ideal for extremely advanced technical diving and all kinds of exploration.

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About author

Marcin Pawełczyk
Marcin’s journey with diving has been an adventure. Starting as a recreational diver, he soon found himself drawn to the fascinating stories and mysteries of Baltic wrecks. After gaining experience, Marcin decided to go beyond just leisurely exploration and took his training up a notch by completing the TMX course, allowing him to explore even deeper and uncover the secrets of inaccessible places. His next challenge has been cave diving, where he is honing his skills to become a certified diver. Not content to simply take in the breathtaking beauty of underwater life, Marcin has also embraced underwater photography since 2018, capturing stunning shots that bring these worlds alive for those who are unable to experience them first-hand. Marcin’s passion for the underwater has taken him far and is sure to continue doing so as he dives into new depths and captures breathtaking images.
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