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Shearwater Peregrine recreational dive computer - New!

Listen to this article Literally just a short while ago, Shearwater Research Inc. a renowned manufacturer of measuring devices for divers, announced the launch of a new computer. The newest model has been named Peregrine and, contrary to previously known products of the Canadian brand, has been created with recreational divers in mind. The premiere
Published: July 23, 2020 - 21:30
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 20:24
Shearwater Peregrine recreational dive computer – New!
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Literally just a short while ago, Shearwater Research Inc. a renowned manufacturer of measuring devices for divers, announced the launch of a new computer. The newest model has been named Peregrine and, contrary to previously known products of the Canadian brand, has been created with recreational divers in mind.

The premiere of the Shearwater Peregrine was scheduled for Thursday, July 23, and announced at the same time by diving media around the world. According to the press materials provided by the manufacturer, we already know that the latest computer with the Shearwater logo was intended to be a unit characterised by simplicity and ease of use. The device also has a colour display and allows the use of several types of breathing mixtures.

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Shearwater Peregrine diver and dive computer divers24.co.uk Peregrine allows the user to use one of four modes during the dive: Air, Nitrox, 3 Gas Nitrox and Gauge. With simplified recreational diving modes, a built-in dive planner and wireless charging, the Peregrine is sure to become a great companion for your diving adventures.

Shearwater Peregrine turtles and dive computer divers24.co.uk

“Shearwater being available at a lower price is a great concept, but we had to do everything we could to ensure that the cost reduction did not damage the excellent reputation of our brand. The fantastic screen, high durability and simplicity that characterises the use of the unit were obviously non-negotiable. We managed to find a way out by using the available solutions. We used, for example, the screen from the Perdix, or the buttons from the Terica. We also removed some advanced functions dedicated to technical diving, as well as the digital compass. However, we managed to achieve a result that we can, with full responsibility and conviction, sign the Shearwater logo remains.” – said T yler Coen, Director of Engineering at Shearwater

The firmware is based on the recreational 3-gas nitrox mode known from the Perdix model. In addition, an even simpler single-gas mode has been added, as well as a depth gauge mode, making the Peregrine a great backup unit for divers just starting out in technical diving.

Shearwater Peregrine dive computers various colours divers24.pl Partial specification:

  • User configurable display,
  • Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm with gradient factors,
  • depth measurement up to 120 m,
  • CNS tracking,
  • no locking in case of deviations from the diving plan,
  • a battery that allows you to dive for 30 hours on a single charge,
  • Built-in memory for recording 200 hours of diving,
  • vibrating alarms,
  • Bluetooth connectivity

Price: ~450 USD

The Shearwater Peregrine promises to be an extremely interesting dive computer that offers the diver everything they need, at the highest possible quality and affordable price. The unit is also a great addition to Shearwater’s range, where every diver should find something for themselves.

Source: Manufacturer

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About author

Marcin Pawełczyk
Marcin’s journey with diving has been an adventure. Starting as a recreational diver, he soon found himself drawn to the fascinating stories and mysteries of Baltic wrecks. After gaining experience, Marcin decided to go beyond just leisurely exploration and took his training up a notch by completing the TMX course, allowing him to explore even deeper and uncover the secrets of inaccessible places. His next challenge has been cave diving, where he is honing his skills to become a certified diver. Not content to simply take in the breathtaking beauty of underwater life, Marcin has also embraced underwater photography since 2018, capturing stunning shots that bring these worlds alive for those who are unable to experience them first-hand. Marcin’s passion for the underwater has taken him far and is sure to continue doing so as he dives into new depths and captures breathtaking images.
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