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Belchatow mine will turn into the deepest lake in Poland

Listen to this article Sound like a theme for a sci-fi movie? Maybe a bit, but the plans for the opencast mine in Belchatow involve turning it into a 200m deep reservoir! That’s almost twice as deep as the current deepest lake and the country’s Mecca for technical divers – Hancza. For those of you
Published: August 13, 2014 - 19:29
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 07:57
Belchatow mine will turn into the deepest lake in Poland
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Sound like a theme for a sci-fi movie? Maybe a bit, but the plans for the opencast mine in Belchatow involve turning it into a 200m deep reservoir! That’s almost twice as deep as the current deepest lake and the country’s Mecca for technical divers – Hancza.

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For those of you who have already started to mark your calendars in search of a free date, I would advise you to hold off a little. The planned opening date for this body of water is set for… 2050. Although this is a distant future and probably those of us who visit this body of water will only appear as a friendly pensioner with diving grandchildren, the plans of the Belchat mine must be considered very interesting.

All the fuss is due to the coal seams at the site running out. According to estimates, its extraction will finally end in 2018. After that, the Bełchatów mine will be closed down and its area will have to be developed in another way.

The first works have already started and they concern shaping the shoreline of the future reservoir. As dzienniklodzki.pl reports, the southern slope of the excavation site, which is the steepest, is being profiled.

In 2020. In 2020, the work on shaping the future lake will be in full swing, while as early as 5 years later the flooding of the open pit will begin. The whole project is still at many stages of planning, but the final “product” is to be obtained in 2050. We already know from the announcements that in addition to a very attractive depth, unprecedented anywhere else in our country, a beach and a marina are to be built next to the reservoir.

Those responsible for the project also do not rule out sinking some of the equipment that is working in the mine today. This would certainly be an additional attraction for divers, although after what we have learned so far, the former mine will still become one of the biggest attractions in this part of the country and will not be able to complain about a lack of visitors.

But this is not the end of the good news. In the nearby opencast mine in Szczerców, the works are to stop soon after Bełchatów and there… also a similar body of water is to be created, additionally with an island!

Now, representatives of the mine, together with representatives of the Kleszczów municipality where the open pits are located, will jointly prepare action strategies during a series of joint meetings.

Source: dzienniklodzki.pl
Photo: youtube

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Małgorzata Brykała
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