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The way of Castro - how the CIA tried to get rid of the Cuban leader

Listen to this article The recently released documents on the Kennedy presidency, especially its tragic end, also contain interesting information on the planned assassination of Fidel Castro. The CIA’s rather spectacular concepts are chilling, especially in the veins of divers. Fidel Castro, apart from his political aspirations, has publicly admitted since the beginning of his
Published: November 2, 2017 - 12:04
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 15:50
The way of Castro – how the CIA tried to get rid of the Cuban leader
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The recently released documents on the Kennedy presidency, especially its tragic end, also contain interesting information on the planned assassination of Fidel Castro.

The CIA’s rather spectacular concepts are chilling, especially in the veins of divers. Fidel Castro, apart from his political aspirations, has publicly admitted since the beginning of his career that his great passion is diving. Preferably one that uses a minimum of equipment. As it turned out, this information became an inspiration for people who did not like Fidel Castro’s growing importance.

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On Thursday, 26 October 2017, the documents in question were published in the United States. However, some of them were ordered by President Donald Trump to be withdrawn from circulation, in order to analyse the contents more closely. According to CIA plans, Fidel Castro was supposed to have fallen victim to an explosion or been killed by his own diving suit, previously contaminated by an agent.

The first version assumed that the explosives would be hidden in an exceptionally tempting shell, located at the bottom of an area eagerly explored by Castro. The suit, in turn, was to contain viruses causing chronic dermatitis, and tubercle bacilli in the breathing apparatus.

One may have different feelings about the figure of the Cuban dictator and, in the main, these will not be positive associations. However, the ‘assassination in a suit’ plan appears to be an extremely drastic way of killing him. Apart from the ‘liquidation’ plans, which are closely linked to the Cuban leader’s undersea passion, the documents also talk about classic methods, such as poisoning, for example.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

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Marcin Pawełczyk
Marcin’s journey with diving has been an adventure. Starting as a recreational diver, he soon found himself drawn to the fascinating stories and mysteries of Baltic wrecks. After gaining experience, Marcin decided to go beyond just leisurely exploration and took his training up a notch by completing the TMX course, allowing him to explore even deeper and uncover the secrets of inaccessible places. His next challenge has been cave diving, where he is honing his skills to become a certified diver. Not content to simply take in the breathtaking beauty of underwater life, Marcin has also embraced underwater photography since 2018, capturing stunning shots that bring these worlds alive for those who are unable to experience them first-hand. Marcin’s passion for the underwater has taken him far and is sure to continue doing so as he dives into new depths and captures breathtaking images.
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