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Controversy and unrest around the 'Diggers' continues

Listen to this article Exactly two weeks ago, in a tender procedure, the land on which the well known in the whole of diving Poland “Koparki” is located, was auctioned. Until the tender, the diving site had been looked after for many years by the crew of the “Orka” diving centre, but after the tender
Published: June 19, 2014 - 13:31
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 08:20
Controversy and unrest around the ‘Diggers’ continues
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Exactly two weeks ago, in a tender procedure, the land on which the well known in the whole of diving Poland “Koparki” is located, was auctioned. Until the tender, the diving site had been looked after for many years by the crew of the “Orka” diving centre, but after the tender had finished, the new owner was announced – Konsorcjum Inwestycji Gospodarczych Sp. Z.o.o.

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From the beginning, there was information that we have nothing to fear and the diving site on “Koparki” will remain. With time, however, discussions arose on diving forums, where people who were not indifferent to the fate of the diving site, expressed their doubts about the future of this legendary place.

There was no shortage of controversial opinions and unpleasant episodes raised by users of the ‘Diggers’, as well as fierce polemics between ‘factions’ representing opposing views on the whole issue.

For the time being, it is certain that the “Diggers” as you have known it until now, have ended their existence and now the site is facing significant changes. While much uncertainty surrounds the timing of the works and reopening, it is reassuring to hear that the new owners are willing to consult with the diving community.

There have also been two statements, which we reproduce in full on the following pages of this news item. We also promise to keep a close eye on the matter and keep you updated on further movements and decisions on the “Diggers”

The new owner spoke first:

“Dear divers!

K.I.G. Konsorcjum Inwestycji Gospodarczych Sp. z o.o. is pleased to announce that as of 25.06.2014 it will become a full leaseholder of the diving base area at Płetwonurków Street in Jaworzno.

Since 2010, our company has been associated with the sphere of sport and recreation, as well as with broadly defined physical culture.

The plans and concepts for the creation of a multi-sports centre have been maturing within us for over 15 years. Observing the overwhelming influence of civilisation on the health and condition of society on a daily basis, we decided that sport and recreation is both a challenge and a very interesting field of activity, including economic activity.

In 2010 we became the owner of an Olympic-size indoor swimming pool in Jaworzno. Sustaining the activities carried out in this facility as well as improving the quality and level of services are our priority. The year-long operation of the pool and the satisfaction of our customers allowed us to make another bold decision – to purchase the grounds of the “Górnik” sports field in order to develop the Via Sport Complex. The land development plan presented in the tender procedure is being conscientiously implemented.

As you can perfectly see, the broadly understood sport theme is close to us. We have therefore decided to take part in the tender for the purchase of the quarry on Płetwonurków Street. This area fits in perfectly with the nature of our activities and significantly enables us to broaden our offer of social activation.

We would like to inform you that the activities of the base will be maintained and developed in the long term. We will present you with a full development plan for the site in mid-September 2014.

We want to create in the “diggers” area a modern, prestigious diving base, which will be able to meet the expectations of every diver – already supporting us with knowledge and experience, a group of enthusiasts and trainers of this beautiful sport.

Dear divers!

Believing that dialogue is the foundation of success, we would like to open a wide discussion about your ideas and expectations related to the Jaworzno diving base. We are convinced that by opening up to the diving community and listening to its voice, we will together make this beautiful place, prestigious in the opinion of every diver.

We encourage you to express your opinions, interesting remarks and observations, to share widely your observations from many bodies of water, which may prove valuable in creating plans to expand the diving base in Jaworzno. We look forward to fruitful cooperation”.

Management Board K.I.G.
Konsorcjum Inwestycji Gospodarczych Sp. z o.o.”


Below a replica and a statement posted by the Diving Base “Koparki” Jaworzno:

“So far, as promised, I have kept silent, but since the official position of the KIG Company has appeared on the Nuras forum, I will also write a few sentences to make everything clear.

Despite repeated attempts to “come to terms” with the President of the KIG, we were first deceived with a meeting, delaying the date, then after the meeting we were offered ridiculous and even insulting financial conditions.

Therefore, according to the terms of the agreement with the Jaworzno Municipality, we must restore the site to its original conditions (i.e. remove everything) and we must do this by 24.06.

I wish the new buyer the fulfilment and satisfaction of all divers in raising the standards of the dive base.

And all of you who would like to help me with the demolition work are cordially invited. You know the contact details. My best regards to Mirek Kierepka and the crew of the base.”

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Małgorzata Brykała
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