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Visit Plura reveals plans to build a great resort

Listen to this article For cave diving enthusiasts, Norway’s flooded Plura Cave is a true gem of Scandinavia. Situated in the north of Norway and hiding behind a very inconspicuous entrance, it attracts many divers from all over the world every year. No wonder the hosts want to turn such a fantastic and increasingly popular
Published: November 3, 2020 - 09:00
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 21:28
Visit Plura reveals plans to build a great resort
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For cave diving enthusiasts, Norway’s flooded Plura Cave is a true gem of Scandinavia. Situated in the north of Norway and hiding behind a very inconspicuous entrance, it attracts many divers from all over the world every year.

No wonder the hosts want to turn such a fantastic and increasingly popular site into the cave capital of the entire region. This is to be helped by the creation of a new $2 million diving centre, the plans for which were recently unveiled.

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According to local newspaper Rana Blad, everyone in the area is extremely excited about what the near future may bring that will put the Mo and Rana commune on the diving and tourism map of the world.

Presentation of plans for the new Visit Plura ministry
Ina presenting the visualisation of the new Visit Plura resort

And Visit Plura owner Ina Trælnes says the new centre will be designed to operate for 12 months of the year and will offer diving courses all year round. The Norwegian woman’s ambitious plans are attracting a lot of interest and support.

For its part, Rana County has offered a $25,000 grant that will enable initial work to begin as early as 2021!

Diving in the Plura cave Norway
The beautiful cave attracts technical divers from all over the world every year

The new diving centre was designed by Tanken Arkitektur architects, and environmental sustainability is one of the core values that guided the design. In short, the idea is to protect nature as much as possible, while at the same time emphasising the uniqueness of the site and what it has to offer.

We envision this building as a refuge for explorers and a base camp in the Plura Valley where you can find peace, recharge yourbatteries, discover and experience nature, ” the architects explain their concept

So we can only wait for the work to begin, and we will certainly keep you updated on its progress. In the meantime, here is a reminder of the wonderful event that took place in the Plura cave, which was the wedding of Ina and Jani.

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About author

Tomasz Andrukajtis
Editor-in-chief of the DIVERS24 portal and magazine. Responsible for obtaining, translating and developing content. He also supervises all publications. Achived his first diving certification – P1 CMAS, in 2000. Has a degree in journalism and social communication. In the diving industry since 2008.
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