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PELI Air transport boxes - the perfect companion for your diving expeditions

Listen to this article PELI Air transport cases are an interesting proposition for divers who like to travel far and want to be sure that their precious equipment is safe. In the life of every diver there comes a point, when a simple “caste” from the DIY store is no longer enough. From now on
Published: July 26, 2021 - 09:00
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 22:59
PELI Air transport boxes – the perfect companion for your diving expeditions
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PELI Air transport cases are an interesting proposition for divers who like to travel far and want to be sure that their precious equipment is safe.

In the life of every diver there comes a point, when a simple “caste” from the DIY store is no longer enough. From now on we need something more to store and transport our diving gear. Especially when our route leads to a distant corner of the world and we plan to cover this distance courtesy of airlines. And here comes the transport boxes available on the market.

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Freediver with PELI transport boxes on RIB A wise Pole after the event

The way luggage is handled at the airport could be compared to many a crash test. That is why it is a good idea to properly secure our valuable equipment. Unfortunately, a suitcase (even an armoured one) has a certain strength, which airport staff will be happy to put to the test. To emerge victorious from such a confrontation, it is worth thinking about a transport case.

This will help you avoid a situation like the one I experienced when my first suitcase, bought in a supermarket, fell apart… while I was packing it. The lock didn’t hold. And to add some drama to the whole situation, it happened on the hour before departure (eventually it flew away tied up with a cargo belt). After returning, of course, I filed a complaint and got a new suitcase. Hooray! Another trip and this time the lock held. However, when I picked up the suitcase upon arrival, I received it without one wheel, which had magically broken off. Once again, time wasted, a complaint – this time at the airport, paperwork and, of course, a week’s stay with a suitcase filled with diving equipment and… one wheel.

Freediver in water with PELI transport box A Pole is wise after the event, and certainly much more experienced, as travel educates. Therefore, before the next expedition, it is time purchase of a transport crate a real one. One in which nothing falls off, no matter how hard the airport staff try. This is how I found boxes of the American brand PELI. The company knows its stuff and all sorts of transport boxes The conditions under which they were delivered to the most inaccessible parts of the world are the stuff of legends. Of course without prejudice to the boxes themselves and their contents.

PELI transport boxes against a background of the sea First impressions

My first concern was the weight. After all, these are boxes, and they tend to be associated with something massive and heavy. Meanwhile, here you have to do some gymnastics on all sides, because there are limits everywhere and every extra kilogram has its equivalent in gold. Or in US dollars. But it turns out that not all boxes are equal. Especially if we are talking about PELI Air boxes – a line specially designed for air transport.

A special material was used to create them – a new generation super-light HPX resin. As a result, the boxes are not only lightweight, but also extremely durable. The new resin formula ensures that the material reflects the stresses it is subjected to without compromising its structure. In turn, the crate components have a honeycomb structure and are more robust than a uniform polymer casting. The extremely rigid chamber structure is designed to ensure that no voids are created.

Transport box against a background of divers in water There is plenty to choose from

PELI Air cases are available in several different sizes, including a variant that can be used as cabin luggage. In addition to this, PELI has the boxes in four colours in its collection – orange, grey, blue and of course the classic black. This is not only a nod to those people who pay particular attention to aesthetics, but above all the use of different colours allows us to manage the boxes and their transport without having to open and check the contents.

PELI Air transport boxes range Of course, the manufacturer has equipped each box with pressure equalizing valve and a set of clamps and a seal. This makes the system tight enough that we can easily make a field bath in larger boxes.

The whole is completed by a series of dedicated accessories, such as padlocks or all kinds of fillings, sponges, soft dividers etc. This is a very practical addition to the offer, but you will learn about it in the next text in the series “With PELI on the go”..

By making a DRAVA shop PELI Air boxes with code DIVERS24 you will get 10% discount!

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About author

Marcin Pawełczyk
Marcin’s journey with diving has been an adventure. Starting as a recreational diver, he soon found himself drawn to the fascinating stories and mysteries of Baltic wrecks. After gaining experience, Marcin decided to go beyond just leisurely exploration and took his training up a notch by completing the TMX course, allowing him to explore even deeper and uncover the secrets of inaccessible places. His next challenge has been cave diving, where he is honing his skills to become a certified diver. Not content to simply take in the breathtaking beauty of underwater life, Marcin has also embraced underwater photography since 2018, capturing stunning shots that bring these worlds alive for those who are unable to experience them first-hand. Marcin’s passion for the underwater has taken him far and is sure to continue doing so as he dives into new depths and captures breathtaking images.
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