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Malta: 25 dead stingrays in the Blue Grotto

Listen to this article While diving in Malta’s popular Blue Grotto cave, a diver came across a gruesome sight. The bottom of the grotto was strewn with the bodies of dozens of dead stingrays. There was an immediate uproar online after the photos were published and a discussion ensued, with pro-environmental marine activists calling for
Published: February 9, 2021 - 09:00
Updated: July 22, 2023 - 21:58
Malta: 25 dead stingrays in the Blue Grotto
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While diving in Malta’s popular Blue Grotto cave, a diver came across a gruesome sight. The bottom of the grotto was strewn with the bodies of dozens of dead stingrays.

There was an immediate uproar online after the photos were published and a discussion ensued, with pro-environmental marine activists calling for greater protection for stingrays and other marine species living in Maltese waters.

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The author of the photos is diver Sergei Markov, who said that during his dive in the Blue Grotto he spotted and counted about 25 dead stingrays. By his own admission, the fish may have been dumped there by fishermen after falling victim to bycatch.

А это у нас Блю гротто под водой сегодня. Явно рыбаки скатов хвостоколов выбросили. Штук 25 насчитал.

Posted by Sergey Markov on Monday, January 25, 2021

Flatfish are relatively common inhabitants of the local waters. Many different varieties and species of these creatures can be found during dives conducted in Malta. They are usually found in sandy areas and can often be seen burrowing into the sea bed.

However, it should be remembered that these beautiful creatures can also pose a serious danger to humans, and wounds inflicted by their tails can be very painful and in extreme cases even lead to death.

Photo: Sergei Markov

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About author

Tomasz Andrukajtis
Editor-in-chief of the DIVERS24 portal and magazine. Responsible for obtaining, translating and developing content. He also supervises all publications. Achived his first diving certification – P1 CMAS, in 2000. Has a degree in journalism and social communication. In the diving industry since 2008.
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